ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized environmental management system (EMS) standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It provides a framework for organizations to design and implement an environmental management system and continuously improve their environmental performance.
The main objective of ISO 14001 is to help organizations minimize their negative impact on the environment while promoting sustainable practices. CCS have professional consult team to help your supplier to achieve this certification, including but no limit to training and on site trouble shooting.
The key elements of ISO 14001 include:
Environmental Policy: Requires an organization to develop an environmental policy that reflects its commitment to improving environmental performance and complying with relevant environmental laws and regulations.
Environmental factors and impacts: Organizations must identify and assess their environmental factors, determine their environmental impact, and prioritize areas for improvement.
Legal and regulatory compliance: Organizations must understand and comply with environmental rules and obligations related to their activities, products and services.
Goals and targets: Emphasis on setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound environmental goals and targets.
Environmental Management Plan: Develop and implement an environmental management plan to achieve environmental objectives.
Monitoring and Measurement: Establish procedures to monitor and measure an organization's environmental performance.
Documentation: Develop necessary documentation, including procedures, work instructions, and records, to support the implementation of the EMS.
Implementation and Operational controls: Implement an environmental management system throughout the organization by ensuring that procedures are followed, resources are allocated, and controls are implemented.
Management reviews: Management reviews are conducted regularly to assess the effectiveness of the environmental management system, review environmental performance, and make decisions about improvement and resource allocation.
Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by identifying opportunities to improve environmental performance and implementing appropriate corrective and preventive actions.
We,CCS have a complete support net work in China mainland and familiar with the local environmental management policy. Your wide far east supply chain management consultant!
ISO 14001是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的国际公认的环境管理体系(EMS)标准。它为组织提供了一个框架,用以设计和实施环境管理体系,并持续改进其环境绩效。ISO 14001的主要目标是帮助组织最大限度地减少对环境的负面影响,同时促进可持续实践。
CCS 专业的咨询服务团队能够帮助您的供应商顺利拿证,服务有且不限于:培训和现场辅导。
ISO 14001的关键要素包括:
我们CCS 的服务遍布中国各大主要城市,并且熟悉当地环保法规管理政策,是您明智的供应链咨询管理顾问!